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Phosphate Rich Organic Manure

Phosphate Rich Organic Manure for crops
Dhartiputra PROM is the future of Fertilisers.

As the name suggests, Phosphate Rich Organic Manure or PROM Fertilizer is an organic manure. It is used as an alternative to di ammonium phosphate and single super phosphate. It is very usefull and effective in neutral, saline, and alkaline soils. It enhances the growth of soil micro organisms that assis the dissolution of phosphate in the soil. In many areas phosphorus must be added to soil for the extensive plant growth that is desired for crop production. The solubility depends upon PH of the soil, ambient condition and bacteria present in the soil. 

Details of Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM Fertiliser) 
As per FCO-1985

PROM or Phosphate Rich Organic Manure is future of Indian Fertiliser Industry, It is one of the best solution for discharging the copostable city waste and farm waste. PROM is made by co-composting Rock Phosphate along with other compostable bio waste.

Name of ComponentContent
Organic CarbonMinimum 7.9%
NitrogenMinimum 0.4%
Phosphate P2O5Minimum 10.4%
MoistureMaximum 25%

We are Manufacturer of high grade Phosphate Rich Organic Manure

Manufacturing Capacity

Currently we have installed capacity to produce 400 MT of Phosphate Rich Organic Manure.

Quality Assurance

We manufacture the PROM Fertiliser as per parameters set by Govt of India under Fertiliser Control Order, 1985.

Phosphate Rich Organic Manure

Frequently Asked Questions about PROM

PROM has More good contents than any DAP or Plain Organic Manure. The Agronomic study reports sugggest that Paddy crop get almost 30% more yeild in compare to DAP.

There are many natural sources of phosphorous. Banana Peels, Bone meals and rock phosphate. Various organic as well as synthetic blends are available to add phosphorous into soil. Mineral phosphorus sources are cheaper and last longer in the soil.

PROM is manufactured by co-composting the high grade fine size rock phosphate with organic matter collected from various sources. 
Phosphate Solubilising bacteria and Nitrogen Fixing bacterial are added to increase the efficiancy of fertiliser.